Functions of the Astronomical Clock

Upper dial is showing common citizen time, normal, or summer one.
Combined big dial in the middle part of the clock has in the center symbol of the Earth on rotating blue circle, in it is circular cutout of the Moon, in which are depicted his phases. For Astrology geeks are displayed main aspects, in which the Moon is in relation with Sun – opposition (“dumbbell”), trigon, quadrant, sextillion and conjunction (Small circle on the border of the moon). Behind the circle of the Moon is rotating larger circle, which is holding style with the symbol of the Sun.
On his border are marked days (1 till 29 + 1/2), divided to quarters. How many days passed from the new moon is showing the symbol of conjunction on the circle of the Moon, and aspects are showing arrow on the circle of the Sun.
Behind the circle of the Sun is rotating Zodiac with twelve signs and their badges. Symbol of the Sun is getting along the year through all the zodiac signs and is showing in which sign is Sun situated now. Style of the Sun is showing also on calendar month and date. Individual days are marked by small lines on the perimeter of the circle, underneath them are data round 5 days.
Outer solid twenty-four-hours-a-day dial is on the perimeter divided by minutes (in turns yellow and blue lines) and style of the Sun on it is showing middle sun time, and so during the whole year, because Sun (for now) is successfully ignoring the garbage, the humans on Earth created in time. And so, in the period of the summer time is needed to add 1 hour.
Intermediate sun day has exactly the 24 hours, which equals to 24 hours, 3 minutes and 56.55 seconds of starring time, which is shown by the symbol of the star in between signs of Virgin and the Libra. Starring day has 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. Difference in that times happens because the Earth during it’s one turn in relation to stars travels on it’s journey around the Sun approximately 2,5 million kilometers. So after one year the Earth is performing one more additional turn in comparison with stars, over the Sun. Starring and Sun time has the same value at one time of the Year – about the autumn equinox.
In the lower part of the astronomical clock is turning celestial map and Dragon’s style. Celestial map is actually turning full circle once per day, but on the astronomical clock once per year. Thanks to that it is showing in elliptical cutout (border of the skyline) actual position of the stars for the midnight of the given day. On the map are marked ecliptic, equator, galactic equator and the stars till approximately 5th star’s size. Actually it is apparent size of the star (magnitude, shortcut m) , practical brightness of the star during the observation from the earth. For example Vega in constellation of Lyra (shortcut Lyr) has m=0, for brighter stars is used the negative sign, brightest star on the sky – Sirius in constellation of the Big Dog (CMa) has m = -1.45, Spica in constellation of Virgin (Vir) has m = 1, Pole Star in constellation of Lesser Bear (UMi) has m = 2.
This implies, that smaller the star seems, the higher is the number of the magnitude. Diameter of the stars on the map equals their brightness during the observation. On the “border of the skyline” are shortcuts for the pints of the compass, in the middle of it’s lower part is the south, so on the map we are orientating as to stay face to the South and hold the map over the head.
Dragon’s style is rotating in same direction as celestial map (to the left) and is used for the prediction of eclipse. Head of the dragon is showing ascending node of the Moon, the tail descending node, and the head of the dragon is position for time 0:00 of a given day. Nodes of the Moon are two intersections of the ecliptic (orbit of the Sun) and orbit of the Moon. Circulation time of the output node is approximately 18.61 year, for which time the dragon’s style makes one more turn than Starry Sky. Eclipse of the Sun or Moon ca happen on Earth, only if the Sun, Moon and moon node are lined up.
If on the middle dial plate, the arrow close to Sun’s Style, is showing to the Full Moon, or New Moon, so to the time, which is showing the head of the dragon on the lower dial we are adding the time which is showing the Dial of the Sun, and if the times on the middle and lower 24hour’s dial plate are the same, it’s happening on the Earth (not only on exact place) to Eclipse of the Sun, if it is New Moon, or to Eclipse of the Moon, if it is Full Moon. Difference in that times can be approximately 20 minutes for complete and 45 minutes for partial eclipse of the Moon and 35 minutes for complete and 75 minutes for partial eclipse of the Sun.
In-between middle and lower dials, are on the sides small dials, which are showing times of Sunrise and Sunset on that day, again in the middle Sun’s time, so in the period of the summer time, one hour has to be added. Metal points are showing equinoxes and solstices.